We have a plan for starting in the second half of 2025 (in combination with the Annual Conference) with a project concerning the role of level 5 in educational systems, in countries that are involved in the European Higher Education Area. That is not only for the Short Cycle but also for other types of qualifications at level 5 and above (like building on the VET sector).
We will publish reports here if they are available, and will make more announcements about related activities.
As a start, here an overview of the presence in a formal way of SCHE in the 47 countries. If you have comments, please let us know.
overview sche 2023


As CHAIN5 we have been a partner in an international project (Erasmus+) about the need for competences that have to part of study programs in VET and HE, looking at professions in the Building and Construction Sector at the levels 3, 4 and 5 (and perhaps also 6) of the EQF. And how to guarantee the quality of those programs? What is the role of the teachers? How to use dual systems in VET and HE? What is the impact of the companies?
Here the link to the website for this project:

As CHAIN5 we have written a number of documents for the project, but they are also interesting for other sectors of the labour market. You can download them here, to be used for discussions in your College of University of Applied Sciences if it is about offering level 5 qualifications.
CHAIN5 – AI and Healthy Building – January 2024
This document is about the role of having more and more use of Artificial Intelligence if it is about the use of formal education.
CHAIN5 – report – level 5 – EU – NL – mini-guide
In this document an overview of the situation in a lot of countries, looking at their national level 5 area. Good to know what is happening with Higher VET and Short Cycle HE.
chain5 – document – wbl – qa – 21-2-2024
This document is about workplaces that can be used for VET internships and how to control the quality – based on the Dutch approach.

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