Annual Conference
– 13, 14, 15 November 2024
– Zagreb, Croatia
See for a number of presentations that have been given at ‘ZAGREB24‘
Webinar about Quality Assurance with the Level 5 Area
(presentations / document with Q&A)
A webinar was held on 6 April 2023 in collaboration with ENQA, the international platform within the EHEA for the accreditation bodies for higher education. The theme was to see how different countries view the implementation of a national level 5 area. In addition to the Short Cycle, this may also contain other types of qualifications, such as for Higher VET. But that can produce a very differentiated picture.
The presentations that were given (Estonia, Ireland, Switzerland, the Netherlands) can be found together with an explanation at:
And here the report with questions and answers from the chat:
report – chat and questions enqa webinar – 6 april 2023
Annual Conference 11-12 March 2021
Here the newsletters that have been published about the online conference on 11-12 March 2021, co-hosted from Zagreb.
CHAIN5-newsletter Annual Zagreb nr 1_20201219
CHAIN5-newsletter Annual Zagreb nr 2_20210125
CHAIN5-newsletter Annual Conference_Zagreb nr 3_2021_02_15
CHAIN5-newsletter Annual Conference_Zagreb nr 4 20210305
At ‘newsletters – docs’ you can find all presentations and underlying documents – and later this month a report with the most relevant outcomes and conclusions.
Annual Conference 11-12-13 March 2020 – Tallinn
Here you can find the presentations that have been used.
Workshop Chain 5 Tallinn windesheim
Workshop presentasjon ONF norway students
Presentasjon Chain5 Tallinn – school olsen
HTM ettekanne VET reform in Est2
EstQF 12.03.2020_5th level seminar_Heli
Chain5-1 Workshop L5 in France success story
These presentations could not be used, having another format for the workshops:
Level 5 programmes daale workshop
presentation thursday daale general
friday – chain5 daale
Also here the original documents – but we had to change the whole set-up due to the corona virus. Later this months we will publish a few short memos with the outcomes of the conference.
CHAIN5-Tallinn 2020 Programme
CHAIN5-Tallinn 2020 How to register and other practicalities
CHAIN5-Tallinn 2020 Overview of the workshops
CHAIN5-Tallinn 2020 Touristic info
Conference in Malta 9-10 December
Here you can download the newsletters about this conference that hase been held in Malta in cooperation with EfVET.
newsletter 1 – conference levels 5 and higher – december – malta
newsletter 2 – conference level 5 and higher – malta
newsletter 3 – conference levels 5 and higher – december malta
And the background documents, mentioning ideas about the sectors with the tertiary education:
scheme levels 5-8 EQF – international approach 13-9-19
memo – conference levels 5 and higher – 9-10-december – malta
memo 2 – conference malta – 9-10-december – vpe
memo 3 – 9-10-dec – malta – HE and T
memo 4 – 9-10-december – malta – BPT and flexibility
memo 5 – 9-10-december – malta – VPE as sector
memo 6 – 9-10-december – malta -WBL and EQF
and the practical issues – programme – workshops…
memo 7 – 9-10-december – malta – practical issues and more
and the CHAIN5 newsletter, with a summary of all sub-themes (and memos)
CHAIN5-newsletter 41 – 2-12-19
presentation hans daale
Developments in Norway in HE and HPE
1 Permeability in VET_SUZANNE GATT
(the Dutch Associate degree: level 5)
Our conference in Como
We had a very successful conference on the 13th, 14th and 15th of March in Como, Italy. Almost 90 participants, from 14 countries, had an interactive event, about themes that are very relevant for the community. In the coming newsletters you will find more information about this.
Here the presentations, plenary and used in the workshops (not all yet, so keep an eye on this webpage…). Plus a document with a proposal for the system as a whole at the tertiary levels (5-8 of the EQF).
presentation daale
(Hans Daale, President of CHAIN5 – about the community and the tertiary system)
Alex Keys – Como Italy March 2019
(Alex Keys, QQI – apprenticeships in Ireland, as a good practice)
2019_03_05_ CHAIN5 kinga szebeni ec
(Kinga Szebeni, DG E – developments in Europa on VET, seen from the perspective of the European Commission)
presentation allessandro mele 15 march
(Alessandro Mele, Cometa – about ITS Italy – network for level 5)
Document structure tertiary levels of the EQF: an idea…
As an annex of the presentation by Hans Daale, here a proposal for structuring the whole system for qualifications at the level 5 till 8 of the EQF. Three sub-systems to offer qualifications: HE, VPE and BPT. See the document for what they are…
scheme levels 5-8 EQF – international
Workshop Pathways Chain5 Como heeten
(Herman den Heeten – ProcessCoach)
Competency Reform Norway making and role Higher Vocational Colleges
(Knut Erik Beyer-Arnesen)
I4L5COMO_spithost (presentation)
Reader IoHE Ad Programs – nhl stenden (background paper NHL Stenden)
(Nina Spithost)
See the plenary presentation…
(Hans Daale)
Workshop Eric Aldewereld Chain5 Como March 2019
(Eric Aldewereld)
Update reform of Higher Vocational Education Norway – 2019
Workshop 2-3 Part 2 – Chain5_Como_Mars_2019
(Knut Erik Beyer-Arnesen / Annelise Kionig)
2019-03-14-CHAIN5-Como ten have
(Jaap ten Have)
(Alan Hogan)
More to come…
Press release
After the conference this press release has been published:
International Summer Leadership Academy 2018
From 9 till 23 June 2018 the annual ISLA has taken place, including a study trip to Ireland, Paris, Flanders and the Netherlands. One of the main events during this trip has been the EQF-level 5 Forum in Dublin, on 12-13 June on the campus of Griffith College.
Here the presentations that have been used during the ISLA:
Monday 11 June – session and visits
Education and Training in Ireland (ISLA) – maguire – dublin
LP IUA slides 2018a
BCFE Presentation to QQI Chain5 Visitors – dublin
International EQF5 Forum – Dublin – 12-13 June
EQF and level 5 – Dublin – (Maguire) 12 june
NEW THEA Chain5 presentation June 18 JR
European Level5 Area daale dublin antwerp isla
The Role of the Associate’s Degree in the US – penny
Jing-ISLA-presentation dublin
presentation 12 june discussion round 1
Visit Dublin 13 June
Chain5 Network study visit UCD Dublin
Naspa Presentation trin access progr
TAP-DES trinity college
Visit to Paris – 15 June
(Not yet available)
Visit to Antwerp – 18 June
20180618 level5 Flanders
20180618 introducing AP
20180618 Internationalisation in level 5_def
20180615 presentation chain5_AP
Visit to Leuven – 19 June
20180618 UCLL visitors
Level 5 at UCLL hilde
Session in Amsterdam – 21 June
Corporate pres EN def hva amsterdam
Final session – 22 June
Yuting-Presentation 0623
Min-The Vocational Ability of College Students in China 20180622Campus Safety_Final 22 june 2018 isla
ISLA Presentation student success 22 june 2018
Dual Enrollment-2 adam
Final ISLA Presentation Epley, Terry, Manley
Annual Conference 2018: 8-9 March – Brussels
Here the presentations and documents that have been used.
In general:
workshops annual conference chain5 overview
Programme – Annual Conference March- 1 March 2018
list participants brussels
Key-note speeches:
Short Cycle HE and Higher VET keynote daale
20180209 Keynote Europees netwerk Chain5 leroy vdab
Short presentations members Steering Group:
Slide about the need of Chain 5 nienhuis
Chain5 – Conf-England-March-18 davy sg
Beehives – Presentation – Chain5- March-18
workshop wbl
workshop brick level 5
Chain5_transforming_EQF5_education_in_Flanders vlhora
180308 CHAIN5 nhl stenden spithost
Chain5 – Workbased Learning with Realdolmen and Odisee – yro
IVAN_1718_Chain5 UCLL
CHAIN5 – diversity – UCLL
Workshop 1 – Reform in vocational colleges in Norway – Status March 2018
And as annex for workshop 1:
Suggested Measures on transitions in the Norwegian White paper on Vocational Colleges Complete
Call for articles:
Conference on Work-Based Learning 9-10 November 2017 – Luton
On the 9th and 10th of November we had the conference on Work-Based Learning, in Luton, hosted by the University of Bedfordshire. It was be co-organised with partners in the Tandem-project (level 4 and 5, and work-based learning for employees).
Here the presentations, plenary:
keynote rammel UoB – seminar chain5 luton
presentation prof garnett seminar luton
Presentation Luton simon broek WBL nov 2017
Theory and Strategy hans daale
And those that have been used for the workshops:
HBO-dual program AH (Luton)
Stenden wbl conference Chain5 Luton
TANDEM_EWF_ Luton seminar
Windesheim CHAIN5 conference LUTON
TANDEM_Luton_Prysmian Group Presentation_3
WBL Chain5 – rotterdam
Annual Conference 2017: 9-10 March 2017 – Bled
The fourth annual conference has taken place in Bled, Slovenia. It was a success, to have more than 50 experts from 12 countries in workshops, round-table sessions and in plenary discussions. Here the list with participants:
list participants bled
As Steering Group of CHAIN5 we will publish in April a report about the outcomes and recommendations. Here the second draft, but we still welcome all comments, extra memos and papers, to be integrated in that report.
outcomes 9-10 march bled – draft 2
Here the presentations, held during both days, plenary and in the workshops.
Thursday 9 March
Bled Conference – davy – daale – thursday
(Introduction and setting the scene)
260309 Higher VET_Chain 5 Meeting_DG E Helen
(Keynote Helen Hoffmann, DG E)
Presentation_bled estonia
tmk_curr_journey Estonia
(workshop 1)
Tknika Marzo 2017 short2
(workshop 2)
John Lewis – SQA – Bled Slovenia – March 2017
(workshop 3)
Leest en Lem DRAFT article practice trainer level 5
Handout Leest & Lem practice trainer level 5 Bled 09March17
(workshop 4)
Workplace Learning – flanders – Bled finaal
(workshop 5)
Friday 10 March
Bled March17 clifford-amos
(Keynote Terence Clifford-Amos)
White Paper – Reform in vocational colleges in Norway – Bled 2017
Suggested Measures transitions Norwegian White paper Vocational Colleges
(workshop 9)
(workshop 10)
Student associations-ONF-Bled2017
(workshop 12)
For the history of CHAIN5, here the newsletters which have been published before the conference:
Annual Conference 2016: 25-26 February – Aalborg
The third annual conference has taken place in Aalborg, Denmark – 25 and 26 February.
CHAIN5-newsletter 19 – 22 febr 16
This was the final newsletter, with the programme of the conference.
Pictures? Here the link:
Here the presentations.
(Maria Todorova, EC)
Educational Strategy 2015 25_09
(Lasse Frimand Jensen, Aalborg City Councillor)
CHAIN5 hans daale 26-2-2016 v4
(Hans Daale, chair of CHAIN5)
(workshop 1 – RAC – the Netherlands)
Aalborg – Beehives – Feb-16
(workshop 2 – project BEEHIVES)
Building Pathways 2016 ole
(workshop 3 – the American experience)
Level 5 in the Flemish higher education area V2
(workshop 4 – HBO5 – Flanders)
Aalborg 25_02_2016 norway
(workshop 5 – QA in Norway)
(workshop 6 – Diploma HE – Finland)
Work based learning denmark
(workshop 7 – Work-Based-Learning – Denmark)
SEEC Denmark 2016HC_v2
(workshop 8 – level 5 – UK – and two background documents)
2016-02-27-Conferentie-Aalborg-chain5 almere
(workshop 9 – Almere and SCHE – The Netherlands)
Annual Conference 2015: 12-13 February
Here the presentations (pdf-files) and some other documents from a year ago…
Mission Statement:
First day
2ND ANNUAL CONFERENCE – starting_session
state of play chain5
New application erasmusplus chain5
Model for transitions between Vocational Colleges and University Colleges and Universities
Chain5 Best_Practice_Transitions_NKH
And two extra documents:
Model for transitions between Vocational Colleges and University Colleges and Universities
(The model more in details)
Report Pathways between vocational programs and universities and colleges 23-01-14 – Final
(Report on pathways between vocational programs and universities and colleges
– which is a report on the survey that later on made it possible to make the model)
Second day
In Finland at the JAMK (HEI) a similar project is going on, about a ‘Diploma of Higher Education’. A summary in English about this can be found in this report:
And the link to the website of JAMK:
BeTwin – conference Rome
The final seminar of the BeTwin2-project about ECVET and ECTS (knowing that there is also an overlap between HVET and SCHE at level 5) was held in Rome, on the 27th of November. On behalf of CHAIN5 Hans Daale presented some developments about level 5 and CHAIN5. LEVEL 5 IN THE CHAIN.
More information about BeTwin2:
Looking back at the CHAIN5 conference in 2014…
The conference in Amsterdam was one big ‘information and brainstorm session’. Thanks for all the contributions, discussions, reflections and input for a possible application for a project (KA-2 of ERASMUS+). We will come back to that a.s.a.p.
Here you can download all the presentations.
participants chain5 amsterdam website – 2
(List of participants in the conference)
Day 1
hansdaale chain5 general
(Hans Daale – about CHAIN5)
Presentatie EQF l5 amsterdam broek
(Simon Broek – Cedefop study on level 5)
CHAIN5_ppt_2hd_021314 def
(Leon Cremonini – SCHE)
(Katarzyna Trawinska-Konador – level 5 study in Poland)
SCHE in Slovenia 2014
(Alicia-Leonor Sauli-Miklavcic – level 5 in Slovenia)
2014_02_11_Level 5 in Flanders and CHAIN5
(Patrick Marien – level 5 in Flemish Belgium)
Day 2
ad 2020 schalkwijk
(Rene van Schalkwijk – VET and SCHE/level 5)
Presentation Chain 5_final version_Buiskool
(Bert-Jan Buiskool – CHAIN5 as a community…)
And the questions for the work sessions:
statements friday