Welcome! You are now on the website of CHAIN5.
CHAIN5 is the ‘community of practice for level 5’ for those who are involved in the developments concerning level 5 of the European Qualifications Framework. Members are (and you can be also one of them):
- national and international associations, networks for VET, HE, SCHE, HVET and other qualifications at level 5…
- employers’ organisations…
- students’ organisations…
- universities, colleges, universities of applied sciences, institutions for VET, both private and public financed…
- business academies…
- experts in EQF level 5…
- researchers…
- consultancy agencies…
The first annual conference was held in Amsterdam, 13-14 February 2014, the second in February 2015 (also in Amsterdam), the third was in in Aalborg (Denmark) on 25th and 26th of February 2016 and the fourth has been on 9-10 March in Bled, Slovenia! In 2018 we have met in Brussels, Belgium, on 8-9 March. And on the 7th there has been a programme with visits to Colleges and Universities, to learn about HBO5 (level 5) in Flanders.
And then we had (13)-14-15 March 2019 our conference in Como, Italy. At ‘activities’ you can look for the presentations (plenary and workshops), and other documents. And the annual conference in 2020 was in Tallinn, (11)-12-13 March 2020.
In 2021 it has been a blended-conference, also hosted from Zagreb. Most of the activities have been line on 11-12 March.
And yes, in 2022 the conference has been in Oslo, Norway, 20-21-22 September. And in 2023… in Leeuwarden, the Netherlands, in November, in the week of the 6th.
And from 13 till 15 November 2024 the conference has been in Zagreb! See at ‘ZAGREB24‘
In this year, 2025, we will meet each other in Portugal – in November.
If you want to join CHAIN5, look for information under ‘contact’. Questions about CHAIN5 can be send to: info@chain5.net.